#4560 by Rasmus

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summ78@chesscube.com - salebrat@chesscube.com
1512 - 1583
ChessCube Game, 2012.01.11

summ78@chesscube.com - salebrat@chesscube.com (PGN)

1. b4 e5 2. Bb2 Nf6 3. a3 Nc6 4. Nf3 Bd6 5. e3 O-O 6. c4 Be7 7. Nxe5 Nxe5 8. Bxe5 d6 9. Bb2 c5 10. d4 cxb4 11. axb4 d5 12. c5 b6 13. Nd2 bxc5 14. bxc5 a5 15. Bd3 Ba6 16. Nf3 a4 17. Rxa4 Bxd3 18. Rxa8 Qxa8 19. Qxd3 Qa2 20. Qc2 Rb8 21. O-O Qxb2 22. Qxb2 Rxb2 23. Rc1 Bd8 24. Ne5 Ne4 25. Nd3 Rd2 26. f3 Rxd3 27. fxe4 Rxe3 28. exd5 Rd3 29. Rc4 Kf8 30. Kf2 Ke7 31. Ke2 Ra3 32. d6+ Kd7 33. d5 Ra5 34. Ke3 Bf6 35. Ke4 h6 36. c6+ Kxd6 37. c7 Ra8 38. c8=Q Rxc8 39. Rxc8 Bb2 40. Rc6+ Kd7 41. Ra6 Bf6 42. Kd3 Bg5 43. Kc4 f5 44. Kc5 Bf6 45. d6 h5 46. Ra7+ Kd8 47. Kc6 Ke8 48. d7+ Kf7 0-1
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